Terry Cothran

Company: Oklahoma Health Care Authority
Job title: Senior Pharmacy Director
Panel Discussion: Aligning Development with Patient Access: Integrating Market and Patient Needs Early in Gene Therapy 9:00 am
Lessons from companies that have effectively aligned their development processes with patient access goals from the outset Perspectives from downstream stakeholders on what they need to cover and select gene therapies aStrategies for incorporating patient needs, pricing, and provider reimbursement considerations into early development stagesRead more
day: Conference Day Two pt 1
Panel Discussion: Starting with the End in Mind – Patients & Payers, Building Trust in Gene Therapy 10:30 am
• Addressing concerns around the efficacy, safety, and cost of gene therapies among patients and payers • Best practices for demonstrating the long-term value of gene therapies through outcome-based data and real-world evidence • Patient advocacy groups can easily organize patients and provide opportunities for education • Effective messaging and educational initiatives to ensure buy-in…Read more
day: Conference Day One pt 1