Conference Day Two

Thursday, March 27

8:15 am Registration & Coffee

8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks


9:00 am Panel Discussion: Aligning Development with Patient Access: Integrating Market and Patient Needs Early in Gene Therapy


  • Lessons from companies that have effectively aligned their development processes with patient access goals from the outset
  • Perspectives from downstream stakeholders on what they need to cover and select gene therapies
  • aStrategies for incorporating patient needs, pricing, and provider reimbursement considerations into early development stages

9:30 am Navigating Regulatory Complexities: Lessons from Bluebird Bio’s Approach to Gene Therapy Approval

  • Julie Batal Vice President - Regulatory Science, bluebird bio


  • How to define and select surrogate endpoints that accurately reflect clinical benefit in rare disease gene therapies
  • Strategies for engaging with the FDA to gain agreement on surrogate endpoints
  • Collaborating closely with regulatory agencies to address unique gene therapy challenges and achieve approvals, including lessons learned from early submissions and the company’s proactive responses to regulatory feedback

10:00 am Case Study: Navigating Regulatory Pathways & BLA Review for Ex Vivo Autologous Gene Therapies


  • Insights into Abeona’s approach to addressing unique regulatory challenges specific to ex vivo autologous gene therapies, including  patient-specific manufacturing
  • Key takeaways from recent BLA reviews, focusing on how to align clinical endpoints and product characterization with FDA  expectations for expedited timelines
  • Best practices in quality control, manufacturing consistency, and data submission for maintaining compliance throughout the approval process

10:30 am Expert Mastermind: Investment Strategies for Non-Viral & Viral Gene Therapy: From Seed Financing to Series C


  • Overview of the investment requirements and strategies across different stages of gene therapy development
  • Key factors that make gene therapy projects attractive to different types of investors, from venture capitalists to strategic partners

11:00 am Morning Refreshments & Networking




Optimizing Routes for CNS, Ocular & Inner Ear Disorders to Maximize Efficacy & Minimize Side Effects

Moderator: Maryl Lambros, Bioinformatics Scientist, Bavista Therapeutics

Evaluating Long-Term Outcomes & Advancing Gene Therapy with Considerations into Safety & Efficacy

Moderator: Vesselin Mitaksov, Associate Research Fellow, Pfizer

Ensuring Consistency & Reliability in Potency Assays for Gene Therapies - From Development to Standardization

Moderator: Rajeev Boregowda, Associate Director, Bioassay & Molecular Analytical Development, Genomic Medicine CMC Sanofi

12:00 pm Enhancing Delivery of Gene Therapies in the CNS to Improve Patient Outcomes


  • Case study examples of extensive studies to determine the optimal route of administration for CNS therapies, comparing intrathecal (IT) and intravenous (IV) delivery methods
  • The focus is on maximizing therapeutic delivery to the brain and spinal cord while minimizing systemic exposure, crucial for both gene therapy applications and antisense therapies

12:30 pm Case Study: Advancing AAV Gene Therapy Vector Generation in Retina & CNS using ML-Guided scAAVengr-HUnT Platform


  • Leveraging our previous single cell-based scAAVengr pipeline, Avista created a new High, Unbiased Throughput (scAAVengr-HUnT) platform, modified to develop and test highly complex libraries of novel AAV variants
  • Avista’s Machine Learning (ML) model can design novel packaging-efficient libraries in unexplored sequence space
  • We utilize our ML-Guided scAAVengr-HUnT platform to rapidly engineer efficient AAV vectors with maximized therapeutic value for multiple different tissues, such as retina and CNS

12:00 pm Case Study: Improved Evaluation of Long-Term Safety & Efficacy of Lovotibeglogene Autotemcel Gene Therapy

  • Anjulika Chawla Vice President, Medical Affairs, Clinical Lead, bluebird bio


  • Implementation of extended follow-up periods and comprehensive monitoring to assess the durability of therapeutic effects and identify late-onset adverse events
  • Utilization of novel biomarkers and genomic assays to track gene therapy persistence, expression levels, and potential off-target effects over time
  • Incorporating patient-reported outcomes and quality-of-life assessments to evaluate the real-world impact and sustained efficacy of the therapy

12:30 pm Navigating Clinical Development Pathways to Commercial Approval: Pfizer’s Success with BEQVEZ Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B


  • Insights into Pfizer’s journey to regulatory approval in the U.S., EU, and Canada, addressing unique challenges and breakthrough solutions for BEQVEZ
  • Exploration of risk minimization and safety and efficacy control measures that underpin the commercialization of BEQVEZ
  • In-depth examples of product comparability and process characterization that supported BEQVEZ’s development and commercialization as a transformative therapy

12:00 pm Manufacturing Case Study: Developing Robust Potency Assays for Gene Therapy Products

  • Rajeev Boregowda Associate Director, Bioassay & Molecular Analytical Development, Genomic Medicine CMC, Sanofi


  • Understanding the role of potency assays in regulatory approval and quality assurance
  • Strategies for developing sensitive, specific, and reproducible assays
  • Addressing variability, matrix effects, and assay validation complexities

12:30 pm In-process, Release & Efficacy Assays: Similarities & Differences

  • Uditha DeAlwis Vice President - Analytical Development & Quality Control, Sarepta


  • Should in-process assays mirror release assays?
  • Where do matrix effects make the data difficult to interpret?
  • If I am in a hurry to prove proof of concept, will that hurt me when it comes time to BLA

Navigating Viral & Non-Viral Systems for Enhanced Precision & Safety

Moderator: Maryl Lambros, Bioinformatics Scientist, Bavista Therapeutics

Effective Strategies for Clinical Evidence Generation in Rare Disease Gene Therapies

Moderator: Vesselin Mitaksov, Associate Research Fellow, Pfizer

Managing Risks, Enhancing Collaborations & Overcoming Global Distribution Challenges

Moderator: Rajeev Boregowda, Associate Director, Bioassay & Molecular Analytical Development, Genomic Medicine CMC Sanofi

2:00 pm Case Study: Identifying the Best Approaches for Viral vs Non- Viral Delivery Methods for Gene Therapies in Rare Diseases

  • Ravi Iyer Chief Scientific Officer, Script Biosciences


  • Evaluating the effectiveness and limitations of viral versus nonviral vectors for delivering gene therapies to targeted diseases
  • Tailoring delivery methods to specific disease indications to enhance therapeutic outcomes

2:30 pm Panel Discussion: Addressing Challenges Associated with Viral Delivery Approaches


  • Selecting the right delivery system to reduce unintended gene edits and increase accuracy
  • Analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of using viral vectors for gene delivery
  • Strategies for decreasing immune responses and enhancing the overall safety profile of gene-editing technologies

2:00 pm Clinical Case Study: Executing a Gene Therapy Trial in New Geographies & the Experience with Onasemnogene Abeparvovec in Spinal Muscular Atrophy


  • Insights into adapting clinical trial protocols and overcoming logistical challenges in diverse regulatory environments for gene therapy trials
  • Key takeaways from conducting the OAV101 IT trial for later-onset spinal muscular atrophy in varied international settings
  • Strategies to maintain data integrity, patient safety, and regulatory alignment across multiple geographic regions

2:30 pm Panel Discussion: Maximizing Patient Enrollment for Gene Therapy Trials & Strategies for Commercial Success


  • Learn effective methods for identifying and enrolling patients in rare disease trials to enhance trial efficiency
  • Discover how to balance recruitment strategies with the need to ensure the therapy’s long-term commercial viability
  • Explore innovative approaches using technology, partnerships, and advocacy groups to boost patient recruitment and retention rates

2:00 pm From Early Developability Assessment to Process Development and Scale-up of AAV Manufacturing with Novel Capsids and Payloads to 1000L Scale and Beyond

  • Kumar Dhanasekharan Senior Vice President & Head of Technical Operations, Voyager Therapeutics


  • Best practices for integrating new methodologies into clinical trials and regulatory submissions
  • How to work with regulatory agencies to gain approval for novel approaches
  • Examples of successful implementation of innovative methods in gene therapy trials

2:30 pm Panel Discussion: Navigating the Complex Supply Chain for Gene Therapies

  • Jie Li Director Analytical Development, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
  • Kumar Dhanasekharan Senior Vice President & Head of Technical Operations, Voyager Therapeutics


  • Identifying and mitigating risks associated with raw materials and key components
  • Collaborating with suppliers, CDMOs, and logistics providers to ensure a reliable flow of materials
  • Best practices for maintaining product integrity throughout the supply chain to reduce production delays and maintain product quality

3:00 pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking


3:30 pm Launching a Successful Commercial Gene Therapy: Bluebird Bio’s Journey from Clinical Development to Market


  • Insights into Bluebird Bio’s strategic choices in advancing multiple gene therapies simultaneously, addressing diverse therapeutic areas, and navigating the challenges of clinical development
  • A look at Bluebird Bio’s approach to securing regulatory approvals across different markets, leveraging innovative trial designs and close regulatory partnerships to streamline the pathway to approval
  • Key lessons on preparing for large-scale manufacturing, optimizing market access strategies, and ensuring patient and provider readiness to drive the successful adoption of their therapies

4:00 pm Next Steps for Advancing Gene Therapy Commercialization: Takeaways & Action Items

  • Marriane Hamilton Lopez Senior Research Director, Biomedical Innovation, Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy, Duke University


  • Key recommendations for companies looking to move forward with gene therapy development and commercialization
  • Practical guidelines for navigating regulatory, financial, and market challenges
  • Strategies for developing commercially viable therapies that provide long-term value to patients and stakeholders

4:30 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

4:40 pm End of 8th Gene Therapy Development Summit